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ParaLabs Ltd.
Animal Diagnostic Laboratory
Immunoassay (Rapid) Tests
Latex Agglutination Test

Companion Animal Techniques:-

  • Flotation:- To establish qualitiative presence of worm eggs, coccidial oocysts or Giardia cysts.
  • Modified Baermann:- To establish presence of lungworm larvae.
  • Smear: To establish presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts or Tritrichomonas trophozoites.

Domestic Animal Techniques:-

  • McMaster: To quantify number of worm eggs present.
  • Sedimentation: To qualify presence of Fluke eggs (eith Fasciola hepatica or Paramphistomum spp.) - liver or rumen fluke
  • Modified Baermann: To establish presence of lungworm larvae.
  • Smear: To establish presence of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts or Trichomonas trophozoites.

Time: All techniques to be completed same day except Modified Baermann which is an overnight test.

Prices on Request

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